Rose Glycerite

Rose Glycerite


This Rose-infused Glycerite (2 oz.) is a safe option for delivering nervous system support and some extra love to most children, adults, elders and even beloved pets. Rose strengthens us inside and out, physically and emotionally during difficult times of stress, heartache, loss, recovery, and grief.

In addition to being taken on its own, the glycerite can be added to herbal teas, spritzes, and smoothies to impart its sweet, magical aromatic qualities. The glycerite can also be added to a homemade face or body wash recipe - as the glycerine is moistening and the astringency of the rose helps to tighten skin tissue.

This would also make a great addition to a gift basket for weddings, birthdays, or for anyone recovering from illness or processing grief.

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To the organic non-GMO vegetable glycerine, I add rose petals (Rosa damascena) and infused for 4 weeks. You may find very small particles of herbs left in the glycerite -- this is because I don't heat the glycerine too high nor do I strain it incredibly fine in order to retain as much herbal benefit as possible.

Here's an article on Rose's many benefits:

In particular,
Rose petals' herbal actions include: cardio-tonic, astringent, anxiolytic (reduces anxiety), anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-microbial

**Please Note:
1. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.
2. If you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications, you may wish to consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products.

The dried organic rose petals come from Mountain Rose Herbs (Eugene, OR), a trusted resource for herbalists across the country. My labels are printed on recycled paper labels, and I reuse packaging materials in my shipments.