Equity Scholarship Fund

Equity Scholarship Fund

from $5.00

Thank you for considering a contribution to our Equity Scholarship Fund. Between 2019-2023, we have made more than $10,500 available to BIPGM/BIPOC folks to attend our Perinatal Loss Trainings and Grief Immersion Course.

Recognizing the inequity that exists for under-resourced and historically marginalized communities across the United States, we began awarding scholarships as a way to contribute to social and racial justice efforts. We wish to use our own education in formal institutions as a way to support the lifelong learning of others.

Why do we offer Scholarships to our Perinatal Loss and Grief Classes?
We know that disparities in infant and maternal mortality exist and that, for example, although anyone can experience pregnancy loss, Black gestational parents are more than twice as likely to experience stillbirth than their white or Hispanic counterparts. While the causes of these increased maternal, fetal, and infant death rates is multi-faceted, institutional racism and perpetuated ignorance certainly plays a large part.

We also know that dominant culture in the United States privileges the grief and loss of white people. And that many individuals and communities representing the Global Majority are not encouraged to grieve or are respected as grievers. Thus, we hope that the different perspectives we share through Grief Immersion can bring attention to the social, ecological, and embodied dimensions of grief to support individual and collective grieving practices.

As a very small business centered on education, griefwork, and healing - we are only able to do our work through community support. This can look like telling a friend or colleague about Inviting Abundance; it may be sharing our social media posts with your own networks; it could be paying for one of our offerings at the highest sliding-scale rate so that we can provide our services to those with financial constraints. And it might be contributing to this Scholarship Fund so that we can continue providing these learning opportunities to those who most deserve them.

THANK YOU so much for your encouragement, support, and generosity!

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