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Online Reiki I Class

This small-group (max of 5 students) Reiki I training takes place over two days: Sundays, February 20 & 27 from 1-4pm (EST) via Zoom.

The week in-between the two classes provides time for students to internalize the foundational ideas of Reiki and start a mindful Reiki practice with emphasis on Self Care and deep, embodied listening.

Reiki I is presented here as a gateway into a mindful method of engaging with the complexity of the world, an engagement that ultimately increases the health of mind and body.

Students will receive:

  • An historical overview of Reiki and its transmission into the United States, including a critical interpretation of the way it has been “Westernized”

  • A primer in the Buddhist and Shinto philosophies that support the Reiki practice

  • Clear instruction on how to practice Reiki, with special emphasis on using Reiki as a technique of Self Care

  • Guided assignments for the week between the two classes based on the premise of “deep listening”

  • Reiki I atunement

Will Daddario, PhD, RMT is a scholar, educator, and philosopher who understands Reiki as a method for participating more actively in the seen and unseen forces of the world. He is committed to anti-bias and anti-racist pedagogy, has taught in the university system for a number of years, has helped to start an international research network, and now seeks to bring advanced teaching to people outside of formal learning environments.

*Registration is on a sliding-scale: $140-$240