The COVID-19 crisis is impacting us all in a myriad of emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, and financial ways. And we recognize that Grief (on individual and societal levels) plays a big part in this "new normal." Thus, we are adapting our in-person Creative Grief Workshop to provide an opportunity for people near and far to engage with their grief in creative, empowering, and, we hope, healing ways!
Exploring Creative Approaches to Grief includes 4 gatherings: Saturdays, October 3, 10, 17, and 24 from 2-4pm EDT via Zoom. The sessions will be facilitated alternately by Will Daddario, PhD and Joanne Zerdy, PhD.
Our virtual gatherings and weekly assignments will invite you to engage with your grief through different modalities:
drawing/visual mapping
embodied movements
designing rituals
During the Workshop, you will recieve:
short readings, visual prompts, and detailed assignments
compassionate responses and unlimited email access to us during the month
an optional video chat with one of us during or following the workshop for additional brainstorming and processing
a list of resources for further reading, thinking, and creating after our workshop concludes
discounted registration to Joanne’s self-paced Grief Mapping course
Our group will be capped at 8 participants; therefore, during our gatherings you will have the opportunity to think aloud, to ask questions, and to learn from your fellow grievers.
Registration is a sliding-scale basis: $80-$120.
Read Testimonials about our Grief Work HERE.